Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What are computer viruses and its types?

Computer Viruses are malicious software programs that damage computer program entering into the computer without the permission of the users, and also run against the wishes of the users. They are replicated by themselves. Viruses are so dangerous and malicious that they can be automatically copied and pasted from memory to memory over and over; the transmitting power is too much quick from network to network that can simply hang smoothly running computer, sometimes damage the important programs of the computer. Viruses are very dangerous program can go on their activities automatically and can do a great loss of the users.

All of the users of the computer don’t like computer virus and also don’t like to hear of it. But it’s a great mistake. You need to know much about the viruses as they are the enemies of your computer. The clear knowledge of the enemies will protect you from upcoming harm committed by the enemies.
It is quite impossible to give the proper information about the types of viruses. The types of viruses are changing day by day. Therefore on the basis of their origin, hiding, damaging types, operating system etc their types as follows:

Boot Sector Virus: Boot sector virus infects the boot sector on floppy disks, hard disks and other bootable media like DVD or CD. The examples of boot sector viruses are – Form, Michelangelo, and Stoned.

Macro Virus: A macro virus is an original individual amongst the types of computer virus, and contaminates the macros inside a pattern. As soon as you release a spreadsheet or word processing text, the macro virus gets into typical pattern. The examples of Macro viruses are – Relax, Babbles, and Melissa.

Companion Viruses: Companion viruses are as same as direct action types or resident types. They are companion viruses as because sometimes they get into the method and accompany the other existing files. The example of accompany viruses are – Asimov.1539, Terax.1069.

File Infector Virus: This sort of virus contaminates programs or executable records (records with .EXE or .COM extension). Whilst one of these programs is run, straight or circuitously, the virus is turned on; creating the harmful belongings it is automatic to bear out. The greater part of accessible viruses fit in to this class, along with can be classified depending on the proceedings that they take out.

Therefore, Fat Viruses, Polymorphic viruses, Multipartite Viruses, Worms, Direct Action Viruses, Resident Virus, Network viruses, Logic bomb etc are the types of viruses. The proper knowledge of viruses can keep your computer protected from the malicious attack of the viruses.