Friday, November 2, 2012

How to find out bugs in software?

There is no software application that is free from bugs because man can’t do anything without mistake. Mistake may be small or big but will surely happen. So if you can invest enough effort and time you will be able to find out bugs in every software application. I will try to introduce some tips here in below which may be helpful in finding bugs in software applications.

Test software with wrong input: If you are willing to find out bugs in software application then you must need to test that software using intentional wrong input and you have to try to prove that you are getting wrong or such a result that is not desirable. If you can do so then you will be able to find out bugs.

Checking With Known Input Output: For finding bugs in software application, you must need to check your software application using predefined input/output sets. So that you can verify output corresponding to the correct input set. This task is not very easy at all because you have to consider all the cases that can be arise during run time of your software application.

Review Codes: If you have the source code of the software and you are expert on the language by which that software is developed then you can review source code for find out bugs. This task is not very hard for an expert programmer and can be find out bugs within short time.

Finding bugs in software is not very easy task but not impossible. Bugs can be found only by the expert programmer since the software has a complex codes which can’t be understand without expert programmer. For more tips about finding bugs in software, you can research on bug in software and how to find out? 

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